Saturday 23 February 2013

Research and Planning - Sound Update

In response to my audience feedback I am going to add more layers of sound to the score for my trailer to make it sound better and I am going to record some real sounds, not produced by Garageband, to highlight certain areas of the trailer, such as twigs snapping during the woodland chase sequence and florescent lighting flickering sounds during the light flashes in the trailer.

Although my Media teacher said she liked the idea of completely reversing the convention during the montage in the trailer by having it silent (as it currently is in the version of the trailer I am still working on), I do want to add sound over the trailer and I will work on this over the next few days.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Research and Planning - Sound Feedback

After improving the sound on my trailer and making the changes suggested by the audience feedback I received I asked my fellow class members and other members of my target audience for yet more feedback on the new and improved sound on my trailer.


My friend and class member Sammi, after asking to watch and listen to my trailer in class, said she really liked the sound and it definitely sounded horror rather than sci-fi which was a big improvement from the last time she listened to the trailer. She really liked the breathing sound as well.

My friend Martha gave me some feedback on Skype:
I had already though of adding light flickering sound effects over the part in the trailer where the light flickers, which is suggested in the above feedback.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Research and Planning - 5 Hour Media Day !

So, this week is February half term, or 'reading week' as teachers like to call it! However, despite it being a week off College, I spent 5 hours today in class doing my Media work! :)

I worked primarily on my trailer today, more specifically the sound/score on my trailer. After receiving some feedback on my sound, I worked hard on making the changes suggested in the feedback and getting much more sound onto the trailer in general.

I worked on the audience feedback I had been given on Garageband today; I removed the beat that sounded sci-fi and added some breathing sounds over the top of some of my existing sound. I now only have the montage left to add sound over.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Research and Planning - Poster Final

This is what I hope to be the final version of my poster. I intend on getting one last lot of audience feedback for my poster to see if there is anything major that needs changing, if not, then this will be my final and completed poster for my media work.

Friday 8 February 2013

Research and Planning - Sound Feedback

After creating the start of my score for my horror trailer I asked my target audience for some feedback before I continued with my sound, incase anything needed changing.

As I have been struggling with the creation of the sound for my trailer I was relying on some audience feedback to steer me in the right direction.


This piece of feedback from my Girlfriend is incredibly helpful, as she is studying a module on TV and Film sound creation at her College in Canada and was able to give me some help regarding what sounds right and wrong in my trailer score. As the beat in the background of my trailer has been identified as Sci-fi I will remove it and, as the above feedback has suggested, replace it with another beat/sound or just have no beat at all. I also love the idea of adding some creepy breathing sounds to my sound! I will definitely continue to experiment with sound and make changes to my score on Garageband.

Research and Planning - Sound Update

In response to my audience feedback regarding the lack of sound/score on my trailer, I have been working hard on Garageband to try and create a score - however, I'm finding it particularly difficult and I just can't seem to get to grips with Garageband at all. *insert sad face here* :'(

I have started watching Garageband tutorials on YouTube, which have helped a little with how to use Garageband, however they haven't helped me to create anything on Garageband that sounds remotely horror style.

This was a particularly helpful 20 minute tutorial:

I have managed to create the start of a score for my horror trailer, however before I go any further and continue with this score I am going to collect some audience feedback on the sound to make sure I'm heading in the right direction.

Research and Planning - Class Feedback

After showing my trailer, poster and magazine to the class (who are part of my target audience) I got the following feedback:

I was so incredibly pleased to get such positive feedback regarding my poster, trailer and magazine!

Areas highlighted by the feedback to work on:

  • Cut down some of the clips in the trailer as they last too long and don't fit in a conventional trailer.
  • make the montage a little faster/remove some clips in the trailer
  • Add more titles to the trailer
Most importantly I need to add more of a score over the trailer !!

Friday 1 February 2013

Research and Planning - Classification Update

After almost finishing my trailer, magazine and poster, I thought it would be a good time to review my trailer and film classifications.

My original classification rated the trailer a:

My new final classification for the trailer is:

I have changed the classification because I don't believe my trailer contains as much blood, horror, violence, graphic imagery, or adult themes to classify it a 15 anymore. I believe 12A is more suitable, particularly as I have seen similar horror trailers appropriate for 12A audiences.

My original film classification was a:

My final film classification is a:

I have decided not to change the classification of the over all film, as I know for sure if I'd been able to create and film the entire film it would have become higher than a 15 rating with the ideas and inspirations I had in mind. Also, horror films are typically 18 rated, as if it is 15 rated or lower it may lose its appeal to horror film fans, as they may believe the lower rating means the horror film isn't as horrific or scary as the type of horror films they like to watch which are rated 18.

Research and Planning - BBFC Classification Test

I took the BBFC trailer rating test in preparation of reclassifying my film trailer now it is almost complete (just needs sound and maybe another scene with dialogue adding). This test (although only appropriate for U, PG and 12A rated trailers) has helped me to decide if my original 15 trailer rating is still appropriate.