Friday 8 February 2013

Research and Planning - Sound Feedback

After creating the start of my score for my horror trailer I asked my target audience for some feedback before I continued with my sound, incase anything needed changing.

As I have been struggling with the creation of the sound for my trailer I was relying on some audience feedback to steer me in the right direction.


This piece of feedback from my Girlfriend is incredibly helpful, as she is studying a module on TV and Film sound creation at her College in Canada and was able to give me some help regarding what sounds right and wrong in my trailer score. As the beat in the background of my trailer has been identified as Sci-fi I will remove it and, as the above feedback has suggested, replace it with another beat/sound or just have no beat at all. I also love the idea of adding some creepy breathing sounds to my sound! I will definitely continue to experiment with sound and make changes to my score on Garageband.

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