Friday 1 February 2013

Research and Planning - Classification Update

After almost finishing my trailer, magazine and poster, I thought it would be a good time to review my trailer and film classifications.

My original classification rated the trailer a:

My new final classification for the trailer is:

I have changed the classification because I don't believe my trailer contains as much blood, horror, violence, graphic imagery, or adult themes to classify it a 15 anymore. I believe 12A is more suitable, particularly as I have seen similar horror trailers appropriate for 12A audiences.

My original film classification was a:

My final film classification is a:

I have decided not to change the classification of the over all film, as I know for sure if I'd been able to create and film the entire film it would have become higher than a 15 rating with the ideas and inspirations I had in mind. Also, horror films are typically 18 rated, as if it is 15 rated or lower it may lose its appeal to horror film fans, as they may believe the lower rating means the horror film isn't as horrific or scary as the type of horror films they like to watch which are rated 18.

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