Wednesday 20 March 2013

Evaluation - Question 2

Q2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

 Main areas discussed in the video below:

Text font styles and colours: the font of the film title 'Transfixed' is the same and consistent throughout all three products, effectively showing how the three products are combined and promoting the same thing. The colours of the text throughout the trailer titles and film title are consistent as they are all grey, again, showing how effectively the three products work together.

Representation of characters: the hair, costume, make-up and over all representation of the characters in the trailer, magazine and posters are consistent and therefore demonstrate how effectively all three media products work together to promote the film 'Transfixed'.

Locations: the locations used in the poster and magazine photographs have also been featured in the trailer, such as the graveyard and the 'crime wall', showing the three products work together effectively.

Colours and lighting: colours such as greys and reds are found throughout the trailer and on the poster and magazine through such mise-en-scene elements as blood, spray paint and low key lighting. The consistent use of such colours and lighting techniques demonstrates how the products show they are promoting the same film and are an effective combination.

Foreground and background: the consistent use of my lead male character in the foreground of shots and female character in the background of shots throughout the trailer, poster and magazine also demonstrates how I have effectively combined elements of all three of my media products.

Over all, I believe the combination of my main product and ancillary tasks is very effective, as (for the reasons stated in the video above) my film trailer, magazine and poster can all be easily identified as being promotional materials for the same product: 'Transfixed'.

What my target audience thought about the effectiveness of the combination of all three of my media products:


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