Wednesday 20 March 2013

Evaluation - Question 4

Q4. How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

The internet was a media technology which I used for research, planning and audience feedback purposes. Such sites as: YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Google images and Blogger were used in the research and planning, construction/production and evaluation stages of my work to first allow me to understand and research how to complete the task I had been set and secondly to plan how I was going to complete my work.

 Blogger was a media technology used for documenting my research, planning, construction and evaluation progress over my course and a media technology crucial to the success of my media work, as without it I would not be able to track, record or present any of my work.
 Excel was used for creating my production schedule which I used as a calendar to keep myself on track with all my work and deadlines.
 Prezi is a media technology which I used for the purpose of collating ideas on one specific subject such as a 'publication plan' or 'target audience plan'.

 Powerpoint is a media technology which was put to good use by myself for creating my magazine and poster drafts on, as well as creating my auditions poster on it and recording my pitch and audience questionnaire pie charts.

 Slideshare was a media technology used to upload my powerpoints onto the internet and enabled me to embed them into my blog.
 Solvr is a media technology which I utilised when needing to solve problems such as what the name of my film was going to be. It allowed me to work through my problem online rather than debating the problem in my head.

 Word it Out allowed me to throw all my ideas down into an online colourful mind map regarding production company logo and name ideas.


 SLR cameras are a media technology I used to take the photographs for my magazine and poster - their sharpness and high quality allowed me to create more professional looking magazine and poster products.

I used a mini DV HD camcorder to video the entirety of my horror film trailer. The small size and light weight of the camcorder made videoing quick and simple and the changeable settings (such as: brightness, contrast and colour balance) allowed me to manipulate the footage that was being recorded to create a more horror feel to the trailer.

iMovie was a media technology I used to edit the footage I had recorded for my film trailer and manipulate all aspects of the footage from the framing and length of the clips to the colour and brightness.

In the video below I am using iMovie to select a few clips, adjust their colour balance, saturation and brightness to make them darker and more horror style. I also cropped clips to make them quicker in the video below:

iShowU was used to audio and video record my progress and my evaluation questions.

Photoshop was a media technology used to create my poster and magazine on. My previous experience with this technology last year enabled me to use it more quickly and easily this year whilst constructing my horror film poster and film magazine.

As photoshop was one of the main media technologies I used I have created a video to talk you through a few of the techniques I have used in my media work and to demonstrate how I have been using photoshop in general throughout the year.

I also used Garageband to create the music/score for my trailer; below is a video of me using garageband to add sound to my trailer. In the video below I record a sound in garageband, crop the length of the recording, duplicate the recording and time the duplicated recordings to the clip changes in the montage.

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