Friday 1 March 2013

Research and Planning - Blogger Issues

I've been having a bit or trouble with Blogger and it dropping my post count from around 186 to 179 in the space of a few days. Myself and my media teacher Googled for cases where a similar problem has occurred and found loads of results, most without a solution to the problem. In most cases, Google (on behalf of Blogger) have assured the people who lost posts that the posts would eventually be restored to their blog, however there is no set time frame in which this restorative process happens, which is a complete pain !!!

Myself and my Media teacher have identified a few posts which we both know were on my Blog at some point but are not anymore, such as my iShowU video, Filmed auditions, sound research and some other posts which I will be re-posting back onto my blog.

I just wanted to make you aware that such a problem has occurred incase the 7 missing posts re-appear and I end up with duplicate posts on my blog, or in case more posts disappear.

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