Wednesday 20 March 2013

Evaluation - Question 3

Q3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

 To answer this question I have looked back over all the audience feedback I have received and discussed what I have learned from it all and how it has impacted upon the creation of my horror trailer, film poster and film magazine.

Audience interviews:  Audience interviews allowed me to understand what my target audience initially wanted from the products I would be creating, so I was able to learn where to start in creating the products from my target audience.

Questionnaires: Questionnaires allowed me to collect feedback from my target audience and their answers helped my shape my media work and make it suitable and interesting to my target audience. Questions included if using a tripod for filming or filming freehand would be preferred by the target audience and the answer helped to shape the trailer as I used both filming techniques (as demonstrated in the trailer video to this question further down this page)

Trailer poll: I created a poll for my target audience to answer to help me learn what elements of horror trailers my target audience regard the most important so I could focus on those elements more. The poll informed me of such things as: the location is the most important element of a horror film. I used the information to focus more time on the location.

Social networking feedback: I used social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to collect audience feedback and learn from it. The majority of people I have as friends and followers on Facebook and Twitter are part of my target audience, meaning the feedback was relevant and particularly helpful for shaping and improving my work. I used social networking sites primarily to get ideas and feedback on drafts to help shape the further stages of my work and ensure I was pleasing my target audience with my products.

Media class feedback: As all of my media class are part of my target audience they were perfect for getting feedback from. Also, as they are creating similar media work to myself their feedback is both informed and important. I learned a lot regarding improvements I could make to my media products from my class feedback.

What I have learned from the audience feedback regarding my -Trailer-

What I have learned from the audience feedback regarding my -Magazine-

What I have learned from the audience feedback regarding my -Poster-

Upon completing all three media products I asked for audience feedback and everything was overwhelmingly positive; suggesting to me that I was successful in creating products which appealed to my target audience!

Completed Trailer feedback:

Completed Poster feedback:

Completed Magazine feedback:

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