Thursday 27 September 2012

Research and Planning - Group Meeting

After having a discussion about how to appropriately cast the characters and extras required for our teaser trailer we began to devise an audition process where I would take headshots of all the people who turn up to audition - for both future reference and to make sure they have the right look for the genre and idea we have in mind. We will then request a computer processed acting CV containing as little or as much acting experience as they have. Although we know we are unlikely to get professional actors in our trailer, we want to ensure that the quality of the acting is of a high standard - the acting should definitely not be the area of the trailer which looks unprofessional. We will set a deadline for applicants and once that deadline is reached we will decide who both looks suitable for the trailer and has a good amount of experience, then the audition process will begin.

It has been decided that one of the most difficult and ambitions scenes we are going to undertake is a mirror shot in a bathroom where a supernatural prescence keeps appearing and dissappearing whilst the main character is splashing their face with water, then looking into the mirror and screaming at the site of their 'changed' and more zombified face after having contact with the supernatural prescence stalking them. As this is going to be one of the key tension building scenes, which also makes the audience jump, it has to be executed precisely by both the camera operator (myself) and the actors involved. If an actor is capable of successfully acting in this, the most complex scene, then they will be suitable for the rest of the trailer, however if they can't execute this scene well enough, then there is no point them being cast at all, even if they excel in all other scenes in the trailer. Every audition will be videod as if it was the real final take of the scene for the real trailer and each person will get one runthrough attempt and then two proper video attempts which will be compared with the other applicants to find who is the most suitable for the trailer.

This auditioning process may seem a little 'over the top' for an amateur horror movie trailer, however myself and my partner are passionate about our media work and want to create a trailer which looks as professional as possible.

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