Friday 28 September 2012

Research and Planning - Questionnaire results

After receiving all 9 questionnaires back, myself and my partner collated the results in the form of a Powerpoint containing both graphs/charts and bullet point answers.


What age are you?

This shows that my audience is primarily going to be between 16 and 18, meaning the trailer will have to be suitable for these ages.

What is your gender?

There were more female responses than male, suggesting that within our sample our audience is more female and we should take that into consideration when making the trailer (for example: having an attractive male lead)

Which movie genres do you like?

Horror, thriller and action take up the three largest sections of this chart, meaning an amalgamation of all three with a predominantly horror feel is what will really appeal to our audience.

Would you prefer titles or a voiceover?

Our sample seems to much prefer Titles to a voiceover and so titles will be used in the trailer.

What music would you prefer?

Low and deep music seems to be the favourite out of all these options, suggesting that it should be the predominant style of sound/music in the trailer.

What musical instruments do you expect to hear in the soundtrack?

The instruments listed above appeared in one or more questionnaire and will be used in the trailer as a result.

Would you prefer a fast paced montage, or a few slow detailed scenes and why?

The results were fairly mixed on this question, but all responses stated that the tension in the trailer was key to the trailers success, the speed of the editing/length of clips isn't as important as long as tension is created throughout.

Which colours would you associate with horror?

Black, red and white were the three colours most associated with horror - I will take this into consideration when planning the mise-en-scene for the trailer.

Would you prefer the lead character to be male or female?

The over all view is that the main character should be male, this really helps decide the plot for me and my media partner as we weren't sure which idea to go for, one where the lead is female and one where the lead is male.

Would you prefer close-ups to show panic, or master shots to show the over all scene?

I will take this into consideration when planning my cinematography for the trailer.

Would you prefer to watch a film created on a handheld camera, or on a tripod?

My personal opinion goes strongly against these results, however if this is what a sample of my audience prefers, then I will take that into consideration.

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