Friday 28 September 2012

Research and Planning - What is a Trailer?

A trailer/teaser trailer is what is typically used as a brief preview of a new film. It shows snippets of the over all movie to gain audience interest and promote the film, as well as inform the audience of the name of the film and release date. Most trailers typically contain the same key elements.

A trailer/teaser trailer typically includes the key elements listed below:

A montage - A selection of out of order scenes and clips edited together to create a sequence which gives the audience an over view of what to expect from the film as a whole.

Peaks - High points of action from the complete film which entice the audience into wanting to watch the over all film.

A voice-over - Speech over the top of the video clips in the trailer to help tell the narrative and make the film sound interesting and appealing to the audience.

Titles - Words in-between clips, or over the top of clips, which do the same as a voice over but are visual rather than auditory.

The title of film - The title of the over all motion picture the trailer is for should be included to let the audience know what the trailer is actually advertising.

A release date - A date the film will be released into the cinema, so the audience know when they can view it.

Certificate - Usually found before the trailer begins, a certificate gives an age appropriate rating for both the trailer and the film to ensure it is only seen by a suitable audience.

Studio name - The name of the studio/production company which has created the film is always found in a trailer and teaser trailer also.

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