Friday 14 September 2012

Research and Planning - Regulation and Censorship

 For the purposes of being able to have the trailer shown on television and in the cinemas, the certificate of the movie trailer should be a 15 at the most, as any higher and the places my movie trailer can be shown and publicised in will become limited. Also, the scenes of the film that will move the rating up to an 18 for the actual movie should be kept from public view until they see the film in order to preserve its shock and horror factor, making certificate 15 appropriate for the movie trailer.

The actual film its self should be rated an 18 purely for caution. The plot-line of the film lends its self to a more mature audience who will not be as psychologically damaged or affected by the horror and paranormal nature of the film. Similar films to my film idea have been rated at certificate 18 also, making me believe my film would be unsuitable for younger audiences and should be rated an 18 certificate.

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