Thursday 11 October 2012

Research and Planning - BBFC visit

On the College trip to London I visited the BBFC, along with my Media class. At the BBFC a staff member gave a presentation about her job and all the things that have to be taken into consideration when giving an age rating to a film, or TV show.

The presentation discussed the issues surrounding some clips from "The Simpsons Movie" and involved my media group in a discussion about what was potentially wrong in the clip and why it would be given a 12A rather than anything higher or lower. Some of the points of concern in the clip were:

-cartoon child nudity
-police violence
-underage smoking
-bad language

The group, along with the lady giving the presentation decided that the movie was rated 12A suitable because the nudity wasn't anatomically correct, as it was a cartoon and meant in a humorous context, the police violence didn't actually harm anybody, underage smoking was shown briefly and its a cartoon and the bad language was not severe or frequent. Having this discussion helped me to understand the boundaries of each age classification category and made me really think about what would have to be included in my own media film trailer to warrant it a 15 rating.

Other issues such as animal cruelty were also explained to the group and a two alternate clips from The Hunger Games movie was shown to demonstrate how removing 8 seconds worth of blood and violence can actually change the entire rating of the film. With the 8 seconds of blood the film was rated a 15, without the blood it was rated a 12A, this helped me to realise that for my film/film trailer to become worthy of a 15 certificate, there would definitely have to be a significant amount of realism and blood involved.

The trip to the BBFC proved incredibly useful to me in understanding how to rate films/trailers and what the content of my trailer would have to include to warrant the age rating I had initially wanted it to be.

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