Wednesday 31 October 2012

Research and Planning - Halloween Inspiration !

With today being Halloween I took the opportunity to mess around with some fake blood! My 'messing around' did have a purpose - the purpose being to find/make some authentic looking fake blood, both for my Halloween costume and for the horror film trailer. Being in charge of the mise-en-scene of the horror film trailer I thought trying to find/make the best fake blood would be a very beneficial challenge! I bought some cheap £1 fake blood from 'Wilkinson's' which looked like the type of raspberry sauce children love on top of their '99' style icecreams! To say I wasn't impressed with it is an understatement - I found ketchup looked more authentic... and tasted much better when put near the mouth! After this initial disappointment I decided to make my own fake blood, a task which was incredibly fun until I had to explain to my parents I'd stained their perfectly white kitchen worktops permanently red. The combination of 10 drops of red food colouring, 3 of blue and 1 of green, along with a teaspoon of water and 4 tablespoons of Golden Syrup made for an authentic looking (and lovely tasting) fake blood ! After creating my concoction I put some on my hand and took a photo to see how the blood would look on camera... I was pretty impressed for a first attempt! The picture is below:

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