Wednesday 24 October 2012

Research and Planning - Group Meeting

Today myself and my partner had a group meeting about exactly what we were going to put in our trailer, what scenes, effects, shot types and transitions we were going to include as well as what order the scenes were going to go in. We really fleshed out our plot idea and created a more detailed 'Treatment' post than we originally had.

We also started working on our Production Company Logo idea - adapting the original idea my partner came up with. The Production Company name "Phantom Productions" (thought up by my partner) is what we have decided on calling our production company, however the logo is still in development. I drew a really quick scribble style draft of what the logo could possibly look like and myself and my partner search an art/photography site named "DeviantArt" for some Phantom of The Opera style cosplay stock photos to use as a pose reference for the image on our logo.

As I really love the LIONSGATE logo I'd love to incorporate some of the most striking elements of the logo in my own logo. I love the fading to black edging, red smoke background and steel style font and I'm hoping myself and my partner can adapt those elements and put them into our own logo along with a Phantom of The Opera style cartoonised image.

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