Thursday 11 October 2012

Research and Planning - Trailer Examples

Example of a good trailer I could re-create elements of and use as inspiration for my own trailer/teaser trailer:

The Roadside

This trailer for 'The Roadside' is a good example of a trailer that I would be able to recreate and am able to draw inspiration and ideas from. This trailer would be suitable for me to re-create because there are very little special effects and they would be relatively easy to re-create. There is only one main location used as only 3 actors required, making it a simple style of trailer, that is very effective and very good for me to use as inspiration.

Example of a bad trailer which I couldn't re-create or use as inspiration for my own trailer/teaser trailer:

Zombie Massacre

This movie trailer contains make up and facial latex FX which are far too advanced for myself and my media partner to recreate and make look convincing in our own trailer and seeing as the special effects make up and facial latex is what predominantly makes this movie trailer look amazing, it isn't particularly suitable for me to draw inspiration from. Even the locations of an army base and desert/sand style quarantine area are out of the reaches of myself and my media partner for possible locations, making this trailer a perfect example of what I couldn't re-create.

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