Thursday 11 October 2012

Research and Planning - Two Proposals

 Proposal 1

Plotline: A girl finds a necklace and everytime she wears the necklace she begins to see a male figure who is seemingly stalking her. She attempts to throw away the necklace, but it keeps coming back, as does the male figure.


  •  Over the shoulder shots to show the audience what the character can't necessarily see
  •  POV shots from a hand held camera rather than tripod to help realism
  •  High angles to show vulnerability of the girl
  •  Master shot of the girl running through the woods
  •  Close ups of the girl's face during the most tense moments


  • Dark woodland location
  • Old vintage looking necklace
  • Dark bedroom/bathroom
  • Gothic but modern costumes


  •  Fast flashes of light as transitions where an illuminated room is involved
  •  A possible tint during woodland scenes to simulate the moon's light
  •  Fading to black after tense moments to heighten suspense
  •  Titles in between short key scenes


  • Score runs over the entire trailer, rather than a voice over breaking it up
  • Theme given specifically to the ghostly stalking presence
  • Stings occur at high action points such as a mirror smash or sudden blackout
  • Diegetic sound such as twigs snapping and heavy breathing added on after to really heighten them and prevent noise pollution in the clips
Proposal 2

Plotline: A man becomes transfixed with the crime reports of a girl who has recently gone missing and been suspected dead. He finds something of the girl's and realises that the girl in question actually died hundreds of years ago and the deeper he becomes involved in unravelling the mystery, the more paranormal things keep happening to him and the ghost of the girl begins to appear more and more.


  • Over the shoulder shot of male character looking in a mirror so his reactions are seen through the reflection. Also used to show the audience what the character can't see happening behind him.
  • Wide shot of male character pinning up newspaper articles on his 'crime wall'
  • Close ups on the male character's face and on key props in the pivotal and high intensity scenes
  • Two shot of the dead girl stood behind the male character's shoulder about to reach out for him

  • Dark basement type room where the crime reports can be pinned up on the wall - specifically with only one exit so the male can easily be trapped.
  • Low key lighting to add an eerie effect.
  • Graveyard containing a headstone that is from hundreds of years ago but still clear to read
  • Gothic but modern, predominantly black, clothing/costumes
  • Dark bathroom area for the mirror scene 


  • Fast jump cuts to simulate the panic in the woods/graveyard when the male character first realises the girl's ghost is following him
  • Flashes of light as transitions during scenes where the rooms have lights in them or are already illuminated
  • Fades slowly in and out of black during key scenes of realisation about the dead girl before the fast montage of peak moments occurs
  • Titles

  • Score runs over the entire trailer, rather than a voice over breaking it up
  • Theme given specifically to the ghostly stalking presence
  • Stings occur at high action points such as a mirror smash or sudden blackout
  • Slow eerie melody from an object the male finds of the dead girl's.

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