Friday 19 October 2012

Research and Planning - Treatment


Myself and my media partner have decided to take Plot idea 2 forward into the treatment stage.

The Plot line: A man becomes transfixed with the crime reports of a girl who has recently gone missing and been suspected dead. He finds something of the girl's and realises that the girl in question actually died hundreds of years ago and the deeper he becomes involved in unravelling the mystery, the more paranormal things keep happening to him and the ghost of the girl begins to appear more and more.

Below is a rough idea of how the trailer will run, some ideas may change over time, however for now this is how myself and my partner want the trailer to run:

  • BBFC rating
  • Production Company logo - "Phantom Productions"
  • Close up low key lighting attack montage short sequence (details still undecided)
  • high angle shot of drowned bleeding girl sprawled in the woods beside the stream in the moonlight
  • Mastershot of the woods where the dead girl is, from a high angle (like in a tree with a few branches overlapping the shot)
  • Title
  • Master shot of male character inside a phone-box (shot from the outside of the box)
  • Mid-shot of male character on the phone inside the phone box (shot from inside the box)
  • Close up of character touching the poster of the dead girl in the phone box
  • Back to mid shot of the male character on the phone inside the phone box
  • Sound bridge from the above scenes runs over to an over the shoulder shot of the male character finding internet information about the dead girl.
  • Long shot of male character finding the girl's gravestone and the date on it, he squats down and illuminates the death date with a lantern.
  • Close up of the illuminated death date.
  • Twig snapping sounds and close up of fingers curling around the top of the gravestone from behind
  • Close up of male characters petrified face
  • Over the shoulder shot (from behind the male character) from a low angle of the male character moving the lantern upwards to illuminate the dead girl.
  • Title
  • Wide shot of male character pinning up crime reports on a basement wall the light starts to flicker
  • Close up of the light bulb flickering and going out.
  • Wide shot from behind the male character of a red painted message such as "Behind You" scrawled across the crime report wall
  • Camera pan from looking at the crime report wall, to the male characters reaction and round to the dead girl standing a few meters behind the male character.
  • Jump cuts of the girl getting closer and reaching out before the scene goes to black
  • Title
  • Over shoulder shot of male character looking in a mirror
  • shot of male character splashing his face with water
  • shot of male character jumping as he looks back in the mirror and the reflection of the girl is there.
  • Wide shot from behind the male character showing him turning around in shock to look behind him
  • Character POV to show the girl has disappeared
  • Three scenes with fade to black inbetween
  • fast montage
  • Film name
  • Social networking/website info
  • Coming Soon title
  • End scary scene

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