Wednesday 12 December 2012

Research and Planning - Film Magazine Types

I thought looking at different types of film magazines would be very beneficial to me, so I know what type of magazine to use as inspiration for my own magazine and what type of layout to follow.


Empire is a British film magazine first published in July 1989. Empire typically promotes big mainstream conglomerate blockbuster films on its cover and in its content, however it does also review art films occasionally.Typically the image used on the cover is of a character in full costume posing for a promotional photograph to promote the film, rather than being an actual image taken from the film, or the leading actor/actress out of costume in a photoshoot style pose/location. This magazine is sold in supermarkets, typical high street stores such as HMV and WHSmith, as well as online. I believe this is the type of magazine my horror film "Transfixed" would be promoted in due to the horror genre and the conglomerate style production/distribution company logos in the trailer which are supposed to have funded/created/distributed the film.

Sight and Sound

Sight and Sound magazine was first published in 1932 and is a monthly released British film magazine published by the British Film Institute. It is an independent magazine that is primarily sold online. It typically contains social realist and independent films and its cover image is usually of a key actor/actress, out of character and out of costume, in a photoshoot style pose and location. This type of magazine would not be suitable for my film due to the horror genre and the type of in character and costume image I want on the cover of my magazine.

Total Film

Total Film is similar to EMPIRE, its a British film magazine which promotes mainly conglomerate mainstream films, but also reviews independent views. Total Film was first published in 1997 and the typical image used on the cover is of a character in full costume posing for a promotional photograph to promote the film, rather than being an actual image taken from the film, or the leading actor/actress out of costume in a photoshoot style pose/location. This magazine is sold in supermarkets, typical high street stores such as HMV and WHSmith, as well as online. Similarly to EMPIRE, I believe this is the type of magazine my horror film "Transfixed" would be promoted in for the same reasons.


Diabolique is a fairly new hammer horror style film magazine first published in 2010 as an online magazine by Horror Unlimited, but has since been published on paper and is sold online and in e-reader form for Kindle's and tablets, as well as being available on the iTunes app store. Diabolique focuses on the hammer horror genre, making it not suitable for my horror film, as mine is a newer, more contemporary, style of horror than this magazine typically contains.

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