Wednesday 12 December 2012

Research and Planning - Film Poster Taglines

I have a film poster tagline in mind, however by looking at other existing taglines on film posters I will decide if my poster tagline is suitable or not.

The film 'Hide and Seek' has adapted the traditional chant associated with the children's game hide and seek (come out come out wherever you are) to make it sound more creepy. The tagline is clearly linked to the title and is a clever twist on something that most people are already aware of.

The tagline for 'Zombie Land' is 'This place is so dead' - the tagline clearly fits with the name of the film, as Zombies are dead and a Land is a place, therefore using 'this place is so dead' as a tagline is both fitting with the title and clever!

After looking at the above two examples, I have now decided my tagline is suitable. My tagline is "Far beyond obsession..." my logic behind this tagline is: if you are 'Transfixed' with something, you are definitely 'far beyond obsession'... and the title of my film is 'Transfixed' - making my tagline fit with my film title.

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