Wednesday 12 December 2012

Research and Planning - Group Meeting

Myself and my partner had a discussion about the feedback we received for our horror trailer. I felt a little awkward showing my partner the feedback we had received as the vast majority of features identified as strengths and complimented were areas of the trailer I had worked on such as Mise-en-scene, Cinematography, the production and distribution logos and the editing... and the vast majority of features identified as weaknesses was the sound/score which was what my partner had been working on.

We discussed how it wasn't particularly right that I had to take on the editing role for the rough trailer just so it could be completed on time, as my partner was supposed to be the editor. I had already spent 3 weeks buying props, finding locations and costumes for my mise-en-scene role and then a few weekends filming the trailer for my cinematography role and my partner only managed to spend 45 minutes doing the sound/score the day before the deadline and we wouldn't have met the deadline had I left him to do the editing too. The problem is, I got very positive and complimentary feedback on my editing (one feedback form called my editing "Amaseballz" !!!) and it was identified as a strength of the trailer - I don't doubt that my partner is a good editor, however now my editing has gotten good feedback, it doesn't make much sense to change the editing, but if my partner just re-creates my editing... then technically it isn't his own work. We will have to discuss this problem more and hopefully come to a solution.

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