Wednesday 12 December 2012

Research and Planning - Trailer feedback

Below are examples of some of the feedback myself and my partner received after showing our rough version trailer to the class:

I completely agree with the feedback regarding more non-diegetic sound needing to be added and I am very happy to have my narrative idea and logos complimented!

Again, I completely agree that sound stings need to be added to scare the audience, however this is down to my partner to do. I'm very pleased to have my cinematography and narrative idea complimented!
I've really found the suggestion of a more distinctive title font thought provoking and I will definitely look into a different font style, or a variation of the one I've already used. I'm really pleased to have my cinematography/scenes complimented once again and I'm so glad the narrative of the trailer is clear and complimented by this member of my class!

Again, I'm so pleased my cinematography has been complimented again and I'm very happy that the 'beginning was very impressive' as this person says! I do agree the colour is not very defined, however I did explain before the trailer was shown that the colour and image was slightly distorted during converting the video file so my partner could add sound to it.

I'm so happy someone picked up on the use of the blue tinge/tint I added to the scenes in the woods and graveyard and complimented them along with my location choices! I completely agree the storyboard parts need to be filmed and they will be. I also agree the music/score needs to be slightly improved. Fast editing, as suggested, will be used during the montage.

The location and logos I used/created have been complimented here and I'm very pleased! I agree Matt's dialogue needs to be clearer and this will be sorted for the real trailer.

My cinematography has yet again been complimented here and again the sound is the area that needs improvement.

My mise-en-scene and editing has been pointed out as a strength by this class member and I'm very pleased! The music/score again is mentioned as an area for improvement - I completely agree.

My editing and production company logos have been complimented and identified as a strength yet again and I'm very pleased they have been described as "amazeballzz" !!! The sound is again the area for improvement. This is the first feedback which suggests the narrative is slightly unclear, the narrative has been complimented by others, but I will certainly look into improving it to make it clearer.

My mise-en-scene costumes and locations have been identified as a strength and I love the suggestion to add a darker tint to the scenes in college - I knew there was something not quite right about them and now I realise its because they're not as dark, or eerie, as the rest of the trailer scenes are!

Once again my mise-en-scene and narrative/storyline have been complimented and the sound has been identified as an area that needs development - this seems to be a very common theme now!

I'm glad to say that all the feedback forms recognised that my film genre was horror and correctly described the narrative of the trailer - this makes me believe that I am on the right track for conveying my genre and storyline.

I am very pleased that my logos were identified as a strength by 3 people, my cinematography was identified as a strength by 4 people, my mise-en-scene was identified as a strength by 5 people, my narrative/storyline was identified as a strength by 4 people and my editing was identified as a strength and highly complimented by 2 people.

I completely agree that the main area for improvement is the sound, as suggested by 8 people's feedback forms.

During the creation of this rough version of the trailer I took on the roles of: Cinematography, Mise-en-scene and Editing - as well as creating the production and distribution company logos. My partner worked on the sound.

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