Saturday 22 December 2012

Research and Planning - Filming Postponed

Due to bad rainfall last night, the woods I would be filming in today is really waterlogged and muddy - therefore very unsuitable for filming in. The mud is an extreme safety hazard, as where I filmed the 'rough version' of the trailer (and where the final version will be filmed too) has a steep drop beside the path that leads to it and one slip of the foot due to bad mud may result in a visit to the Hospital ! The scenes in the Woods have to be filmed first before any other scenes as the 'dead girl's' costume has to be in good condition in the woods scenes and then has to become ripped and cover in blood for all the creepy scenes after the woods scenes - the process of ripping and throwing fake blood over the costume is irreversible, so the woods scenes HAVE to be filmed first. Therefore filming has been postponed to another day - possibly tomorrow depending on how much the mud dries out.

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