Wednesday 5 December 2012

Research and Planning - Rough Trailer Version

To get feedback on our trailers, the class has to have a rough version of their trailer created to show the class.

My rough version contains the three actors I am actually going to use (Sara, James, Matt and myself) and a few of the costumes (Jame's 'vintage murderer' costume) and props (lantern, candle, knife) which will be used in the real trailer.

My media partner is in charge of editing, however due to him having other media related commitments and a short time scale to create the rough edit, I did the editing on this rough version (I also did the editing because the video camera I used to film the scenes was my own and because the scenes I needed to use from the animatic storyboard were on my computer).

As my partner has yet to add a score to this, the rough version below is all my own work (minus a few of my friend's photographs which represent scenes which I have yet to film with my own actress due to the costume not arriving in time.)

Please note, both the production company and distribution company logos were created by myself, but based on both mine and my partner's ideas. They may change before the real trailer is created.

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