Wednesday 5 December 2012

Research and Planning - Rough Version Filming

Filming went well ! However, due to the rain in the morning before we went out filming, the woods we began filming in was very slippery and muddy - meaning my actors could not run through the woods as fast, or for as long, as I had planned due to safety issues. The acting during the chase scenes was not too good either, however I understand my actors were more concerned about not slipping and falling than getting into character and maintaining suitable facial expressions for their roles.

There was a lighting issue in the graveyard scene, as the sun was really low in the sky and made the scene appear lighter than it should. When I film in the graveyard for the real version I want the natural light to be limited so the candle in the lantern is the main source of light, to give a more eerie effect.

But over all, I think filming went well and this rough version of the trailer will really help me improve the real version when I come to film it.

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