Wednesday 12 December 2012

Research and Planning - Group Split

My media teacher suggested last week that it might be better for myself and my partner to split from the paired group as we are working at very different paces and ending up with very different workloads. I'm finding I'm pushing my partner to work too hard and too fast because I'm a stickler for keeping up to date with my work and not missing deadlines, whereas my partner says he works better at the last minute before deadlines. Our blogs are vastly different with around a 40 post count difference between us. I've found that to keep us both up to date and hitting deadlines I'm taking on my partner's role of editing, which isn't fair on either of us, as he doesn't want me getting credit for a job he was supposed to do and I don't want to have to do extra work that he is meant to do just so that we can meet deadlines.

I was also a little annoyed that I had spent 3 weeks working on my mise-en-scene and cinematography roles and my partner only spent 45 minutes working on the sound/score on the day before the deadline and I ended up doing the editing so the rough version of the trailer would be ready for the presentation and feedback deadline our teacher had set. Our teacher had some concerns about how we both work so differently and how the workload has not been shared out equally between us and believed it to be best if we split - myself and my partner agreed and we are now working independently and taking on all four roles of the film trailer each.

My research for the trailer up to this point has been primarily mise-en-scene and cinematography, so now I will begin to research in more depth editing and sound as I have now taken on these roles too.

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