Wednesday 5 December 2012

Research and Planning - Filming Preparation

In preparation for filming the rough version of the trailer I had my three actors meet at my house for 11am to get them in costume, do their make-up and their hair.

My friend Sara (playing the dead girl) kindly allowed me to give her a black eye (I'd like to point out this was given via make-up and not physical contact!) and the first version is pictured below:

I have to confess that the make-up looked more authentic in person, however because the audience is going to see the make-up on a screen through a camera, I have to make sure the make-up looks good on camera, even if it looks over the top, or unrealistic, in person. I will continue with make-up tests to make sure I get something that looks better on camera than this does.

Sara's costume has yet to arrive in the post after being purchased from eBay and so she was not wearing the proper 'vintage dead girl' costume when filming the 'rough' version of the trailer. Matt was in partial costume - wearing the correct black boots and leather jacket.

The only person who was able to have their full costume for this 'rough' version of filming was James (playing the vintage 'Jack the Ripper' style murderer) as his costume was basically my 'Phantom of The Opera' outfit, consisting of: black trousers, shiny vintage black shoes, white shirt, black waistcoat, silver pocket watch chain, white bow tie and tailcoat. James looked great in the costume and when I restyled his hair into a 'vintage schoolboy' style, he really looked the part. The look was then completed with a knife. James pictured in his costume and with the knife prop:

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