Wednesday 2 January 2013

Research and Planning - Actor Unavailable

The angry face above is incredibly suitable, as I am now beginning to believe I definitely am cursed when it comes to this media project.

My main actress, Sara, is not back from a holiday she forgot to tell me about until Monday 7th January, meaning she is unavailable for the filming that was supposed to be happened on Saturday 5th January. However she and I are back at College (different Colleges) as of that Monday, meaning we can only film on weekends. So the next time I am able to film her will be Saturday 12th January, which is a date far beyond when I expected to be completely finished filming.

I'm debating whether or not to use a different lead actress just to get filming done because I'm not happy having to complete everything at the last minute (or what I feel like is the last minute) and I feel like I have had such bad luck regarding the weather over the past few Saturdays.

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