Sunday 20 January 2013

Research and Planning - Filming Yesterday

Yesterday I managed to get a little more filming done - not as much as I was hoping for, especially as my actors were at my house for 4 hours, but my actress was being very uncooperative. I specified 12pm to meet at my house and my actress changed the time to 2pm...It then took my actress almost two hours to get into costume, let me put the zombie make-up on her and put the zombie eye contacts in, by which time it was too dark for the magazine photography at the graveyard and because she refused to move out of the shot in the graveyard (behind the grave) I have to alter my camera angles which annoyed me greatly. Now we have to return to the graveyard Wednesday to re-film and take the photographs again, which rather renders yesterday completely pointless. To say I'm annoyed is an understatement.

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