Friday 11 January 2013

Research and Planning - Deadlines

Today we were told the deadline for the next showing of our final versions of our teaser trailers and the deadline for presenting our posters and magazines for audience feedback.

The 25th January is the deadline for the final showing of the final trailer, magazine and poster.

I am setting myself a deadline of this weekend (12th, 13th January) to film at least half of the trailer. By half I mean at least the opening woodland sequence, all of Matt's solo scenes and most of the montage. However, I do have the problem of my actress only being free for 2 hours on the 12th and my actor only being free for 2 hours on the 13th... and it is also meant to be snowing this weekend.

The deadline I am setting myself for completing all the filming required for my trailer is Sunday 20th January - as that gives me a full 4 days to edit and add sound to the trailer.

I hope to have completed the layout and text of my magazine and poster by this Sunday (13th January) as I have Photoshop at home.

I've set myself the deadline for my completed magazine and poster of Sunday 20th January.

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