Wednesday 23 January 2013

Research and Planning - Crime Wall

For filming on Monday I set up a 'crime wall' containing newspaper clippings and edited photographs of my actress. Cutting out, highlighting and sticking the articles to the wall in my Dad's warehouse took over an hour and a half ... and 2 packets of blutack!

Myself and my actor Matt were planning on filling the entire 9ft by 13ft wall in pictures and newspaper cuttings, but after spending an hour just filling a 3ft by 4ft rectangle in the middle of the wall, being attacked by spiders and becoming so cold we couldn't feel our fingers, we decided not to fill the entire wall as it looked alright how we'd created it already.

Then after filming the required scenes with the crime wall, I spray painted 'Behind You' across it to add a distinct horror feel to this piece of mise-en-scene.

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