Wednesday 2 January 2013

Research and Planning - Sharing Equipment

So, this blog post has nothing to do with cute furry animals, however it does have everything to do with sharing - which the most adorable little furry things pictured above are doing with a piece of what I believe to be carrot, or cheese !

Anyway, as College only has a certain amount of equipment for its media students to use, I am having to share my equipment with my previous media partner Danny, as when I asked for equipment there was only one camcorder, one SLR camera and one tripod left and after hearing me ask for equipment Danny realised he'd need some too, so I offered to share the equipment with him. However, after my 3 failed attempts at filming on Saturdays (see previous blog posts) Danny now wants to use the equipment, meaning I haven't been able to film anything yet and once he has the equipment I won't be able to film anything until he's finished, which is really stressing me out!

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