Sunday 20 January 2013

Research and Planning - Magazine Draft

After taking some test photos for my magazine at the graveyard (despite how blurry and awful they are due to the super slow shutter speed that was used unintentionally) I edited the image, changing the contrast and put it on the magazine layout I had already created to see how I need to change the photograph in preparation for the real photoshoot on Wednesday.

After putting the photograph onto the magazine where I want it, I have realised some of the adjustments I need to make. My actress needs to be on a step or box behind the grave to make her higher; I also need my actor to take a few steps backwards, effectively making my actress and the gravestone larger in the perspective of the shot; the image needs taking from a higher angle to be eye level with my actor (I will require a box to stand on, I'm 5ft2" and he's 6ft7" !!)

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