Wednesday 7 November 2012

Research and Planning - Film name ideas

I was interested to see some film name ideas my friend's and target audience could think of when told the plot line of my film trailer, so I asked them on Facebook!

I've only had two people reply to my facebook status so far, however it has only been up on facebook for 20 minutes! Despite the short time it has been up on facebook I have fallen in love with an adapted version of one of the suggestions! I liked all the suggestions: Mania, Afterlife, Submerged, Time of Death - but I particularly liked 'Transfix'. Due to the fact the lead male character is 'transfixed' on the death reports of the drowned girl and the drowned girl is 'transfixed' with stalking the male lead character, I thought 'Transfix' was very suitable and fitting! However, I thought 'Transfixiation' sounded even better ! I'm not entirely sure 'Transfixiation' is actually a real word, however it sounds pretty awesome in my personal opinion !!! Due to the complex nature of the over all film plotline, I think the complex sound of the word "Transfixiation" sounds more fitting than just "Transfix" or "Transfixed", it also seems to sound more sinister than its shorter alternatives !! I'm hoping to discuss this name idea with my partner and get his opinion as well as getting him to do something similar on facebook or another social networking site to get even more film name ideas.

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