Tuesday 27 November 2012

Research and Planning - Filmed Auditions

Best video auditions:


Matt gave a strong audition, although he required a script in order to audition, whereas the others just made something up on the spot related to a general sentence I prompted them with. Matt has the right look, build and voice for my lead male character and so I believe he will be getting the part.


James gave a good audition, his voice and ability to think on the spot after being given a prompt line was excellent, however he is not really the height or build I require for my male lead character and so I have cast him in the smaller role of the murderer instead.


Vikky auditioned for both the male and female role (because she wanted to!) Vikky is a strong actress, however as she is female she is not really suitable for my lead male role and my audience feedback and initial ideas have indicated I should stick with a male lead character. Vikky doesn't have the correct appearance to be my leading female character based upon her short hair. Instead she has been cast as a stand in for test shots and additional filming that may be required for the final trailer.

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