Friday 9 November 2012

Research and Planning - Cast Auditions

Myself and my partner already have two people in mind for our film trailer, however we are still going to hold auditions in case we can find even better and more suitable people to fill the two roles in our horror trailer.

The two people we have in mind are our mutual friends Alexander Hardisty (the amateur actor I have blogged about earlier in the year) and Sara Wilson. Both have previous acting experience and both fit the character descriptions we need for the trailer. However there are a few problems with these two, as Alexander is going back into the army in January so if we need to re-film any footage after January regarding the trailer, or need to photograph him for other purposes such as the film poster and magazine, we won't be able to which is incredibly inconvenient. Alex is also not the most punctual and reliable of people and I do fear he may not turn up to arranged filming slots. However, I am still very much open to the idea of him auditioning as if he is ten times better and more suitable than all the other auditionees, then we will just have to make sure we have everything we need before he goes back into the army. The potential problem with Sara is that she lives over half an hour away by bus and being a student she doesn't have money spare for travel every weekend for the purpose of filming with us. I have offered to pay towards the transport fees, however I myself can not be throwing too much money into this project as I am also an unemployed student and so is my media partner. Also, I am going to have to budget for this trailer as I am in charge of Mise-en-scene and need to really think about what to buy and what is necessary before spending a load of money !!

Due to the potential issues with the two actors we have in mind we are going to hold a full audition process (which will include those two actors) to see if anyone else is suitable as back up or to replace the two we have in mind. The process will include using posters, social media and word of mouth to advertise the auditions - I will then take head shots and full body shots of the people who attend the auditions to ensure the person we chose fits the description we have in mind for the characters. The auditionees will then be directed by myself into one of our most adventurous and challenging scenes (The Mirror Scene). They will get 2 rehearsals of the scene before 3 attempts at filming the scene. Their details will then be taken down and at the end of the auditions all details, photographs and videos will be compared to ultimately find our best options for the cast.

I was hoping to hold auditions on Friday 16th November, however this may be a little short notice for people to get to know about the auditions and that day clashes with Children in Need, so the date needs to be changed. I propose the changed date to be Friday 23rd November and I will be creating posters and putting the word out on social networking sites as soon as I have discussed the date and process with my media partner.

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