Monday 12 November 2012

Research and Planning - Possible Locations

There are a range of locations that are required for my film trailer and I've been working hard to try and find suitable locations. Locations that are necessary are:


Woodland area

Grimy bathroom

Phone box (preferably with grass area behind it)


Other locations are needed for the fast montage towards the end of the trailer. Locations such as:

Fire escape



So far I have found a suitable woodland area to film in - Gower-Hey Woods, which has a stream running through it, various bridges, plenty of trees and is close to where myself and my media partner live. As for the other locations, the grimy bathroom could potentially be the public toilets at a near by park, however we would have to buy a mirror to put in the bathroom as there are no mirrors in the public toilet in the park. The bedroom could be my bedroom, my media partners, or one of our actors', or friends' - we will always find a suitable bedroom! There are 4 graveyards I know of in the local area, one of which backs onto a woodland area which would be ideal, however the land is private and gated so I would have to get permission to film there and gain access to it when access was required. The fire escape at college is perfect as a sinister location to use in the montage as the orange emergency lights on the fire escape make it look really eerie at night! My House is quite old, dating back to the late 1800s, so it is suitable for being included in the montage. I know of at least 6 churches in the surrounding area and my garden is suitable for a bonfire scene.

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