Friday 30 November 2012

Research and Planning - Budget

As myself and my partner are students and don't currently have jobs, we are really having to budget this trailer carefully - especially with Christmas on its way and us not being able to run to our parents for money.

As I'm in charge of mise-en-scene, the buying of props and costumes falls to me. I've put a budget limit of £20 on this trailer and hopefully I will not go over this.

eBay, charity shops, house clearance shops and IKEA are the main cheap places I have been looking for costumes and props. I intend on breaking the budget down into £5 for costumes and £15 for props as the actors themselves should have suitable costumes.

Necessary costume items to buy are:
-female lead's zombie dress (approx £3.50 - eBay)

Necessary props to buy are:
-white zombie contact lenses (approx £6 - bodyjewelleryshop)
-a vintage looking knife (approx £1 - IKEA)
-a lantern (approx £7.50 -IKEA)
-candles (approx £1 - IKEA)

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