Tuesday 13 November 2012

Research and Planning - Film Poster Research

Through looking at various different horror genre film posters I have found that the main colour scheme is black, red and white. This colour scheme is often arranged in the format of a black background/black edges to the poster with an image in the middle, red text for the film title, red and white text for the tagline and white text for the cast and crew information in steel tongs font. I have also spotted the use of capital letters in the text on the posters - the film names in particular are almost always in capitals. I really like how effective, simple and distinctly horror the colours in the format above look on posters - this is something I will definitely try to incorporate into my own horror poster when I start drafting and creating it.

I have found 3 horror genre film posters which I particularly like:

This poster is possibly the poster that caught my eye the most. I love the dark haunting imagery used in the centre of the poster and the way the dark/black edges draw focus and attention to the imagery. I love the contrast with the red title font and because it's in capital letters it really stands out. The white tagline and cast and crew information text suits the poster and doesn't draw focus away from the main image and title - which is important as the imagery and title should be what a person looks at first on the poster rather than the cast and crew information. I think I like this poster the best because I can envision how to re-create it with my own horror film in mind, which is a good start and will really help with drafting and creating my own poster.

I like this poster mainly for the clock imagery and the red glare that is on the imagery, it looks distinctly horror and fits the tagline. This made me really think about what the tagline for my own film should be and how I can fit it to imagery I would like to use on my poster. The deep and bright reds in contrast with the black background and white cast information really make this poster stand out look distinctly horror.

I really do love the simplicity of this poster as it is very effective and fitting with the horror genre because it leaves a lot to the imagination, already creating psychological fear with just a colour scheme and one tiny image - I'd love to recreate this type of effect in my own poster.

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