Wednesday 7 November 2012

Research and Planning - Film Poster Analysis 1

I can tell this is a film poster rather than a film magazine cover because this does not have the typical conventions of a film magazine (Masthead, banner, barcode, cover lines, etc). I can also tell this is a film poster as it has the cast and crew information at the bottom of the poster in steel tongs font, something every film poster (regardless of genre) has on it. It also has the release date on the poster - something every film poster has.

This poster is for the genre of horror, this is clear through the use of the red, white and black colours. Red, white and black are the most common colours associated with the horror genre (they were also the colours most chosen in my questionnaire research about the horror genre). I believe red is associated with horror due to the connotations of blood, danger and hell. Black is associated with horror because it is the colour of darkness and humans have a primal fear of darkness and the unknown. White is associated with horror because it contrasts the black and represents the innocence of the characters and audience who are about to be scared by the film.

I love the simplicity of this poster as it clearly portrays the horror genre through three simple colours, minimal text and a small image in the middle of the poster. The font style is quite gothic, something also associated with the horror genre. I will definitely be looking to this poster for inspiration when drafting and creating my own poster!

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