Wednesday 28 November 2012

Research and Planning - Magazine Font Ideas

This font is named: "film strips".I love how this font is made of film strips, however I'm not sure it's particularly suitable for the masthead of a film magazine.

 This font is named 'Optimus Princeps' and it looks similar to the font below, however I prefer this font as all the fonts are in capitals, however the first letters of each word are bigger than the rest, as if they are really capitalised more than the other letters.
This font is named 'Episode1' as it is the font from the first Star Wars movie, however I think it looks rather suitable for my masthead font.

This font is named 'Copasetic Font' and its very similar to the font I drew on my Magazine drafts. I love the way it looks like the font old 1920s cinema/theatre box office signs used to be in.

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