Thursday 8 November 2012

Research and Planning - Logo Criticism

Briefly today I was talking with my media partner and he mentioned he didn't particularly like my 'Shot Dead Productions' logo as it was too 'tacky' and would look better if it was square.

I completely appreciate the constructive criticism and I do agree this logo doesn't look particularly professional yet, however this was my first attempt at a logo and I am fully encouraging my partner to make logos too, if he doesn't like my ideas, until we find a good idea we both like. I explained this was just a first attempt/draft and the result of accidentally turning my first attempt at a 'Phantom Productions' logo bright red and not being able to undo the change and so I adapted it into something that looked and sounded more horror style than 'Phantom Productions' (even though I do completely love that name idea). Also, creating a 'Phantom Productions' logo was proving rather difficult, as neither of us have the skill to draw the cartoonised/comic book style image we want on the logo and due to copyright issues we can't use existing Phantom of The Opera images/photographs, or other people's Phantom art work. So something like 'Shot Dead Productions' seems a fitting substitute, especially as it links nicely with the horror genre of our film/film trailer.

Regarding the 'it would look better if the logo was square' comment, I do have to disagree, as all the Production Company and Distribution Company logos I have looked at have all been rectangular so that they fit the shape of the cinema screen they will be projected on to. I agree some logos have small square images on them with the company name written underneath, ultimately making the over all logo rectangular. The typical over all shape of a production/distribution company logo is always rectangular due to the nature of the wide screens in cinemas. I found a youtube video that demonstrates this perfectly, with every logo starting off, ending up, or remaining rectangular:

(This video becomes useful at around 0:20 until the end of the video)

My idea for the Distribution Company logo was something I had already created for my friend's fictional Facebook Company page. Seeing as the most important part of this media brief is the actual trailer content, poster and magazine cover and not the logos depicted in the trailer, as much as I want them to look professional, I don't want to be spending months attempting to create one that both myself and my partner approve of if something simple and already created can just as effectively do the job.

I have yet to add 'Entertainment' underneath the half of the logo which says 'GLOBAL' but this is the already created logo which I made on Pixlr a few weeks ago:

My media partner didn't particularly like this idea either, again mentioning the idea of it looking better if it was square and disliking the name because it sounded too futuristic. I do completely understand where he is coming from with the suggestion of it sounding rather futuristic. However, in my mind, 'Globalsoft' sounds like a real company which would distribute films, even if it does sound futuristic, it sounds real, as distribution companies have more generic and non genre specific names than production companies do. I am completely open to his ideas and his own attempts at creating logos, however I don't want to take up too much time with the logos as they are only a small part of the over all brief and my partner has yet to create any logos himself for me to see if his ideas are better than my own.

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