Wednesday 7 November 2012

Research and Planning - Film Magazine Analysis 2


The genre of this magazine is a film magazine. I can tell this is a film magazine as it has the following media language features in the layout which are typical of a film magazine:

  • Masthead
  • Banner
  • Cover lines
  • Close up shot
  • Barcode
  • 3 colour rule (black, green, white)
  • Issue date
This magazine is missing a 'positioning statement' which is also typical of a film magazine.
The genre of this film appears to be horror as it depicts one of the most notorious super villains of all time, The Joker, whose appears is in the horror style due to the clown like make up and evil stare. This character is from the 'Batman' series of films which are typically a comic book/action genre of film, however the nature of these films have been getting darker recently and this character in particular is very fitting with the horror genre.


From the close up of The Joker I can tell that the film is going to contain dark humour, villainous plans and plots, murder and have a sinister feel to it purely because of the nature and appearance of this character.


The Joker is represented as evil and villainous, shown by the position of his head, he appears to be looking down on everyone believing them to be beneath him and inferior. His stare looks sinister also adding to the villainous appearance. His dark eye make up in contrast with the white face make-up makes him look mysterious and deathly. The blackness surrounding the character's face also shows him to be mysterious and villainous as the nature of blackness/darkness is to instil fear.

Target Audience

The target audience for this film magazine is most likely to be between 16 and 25, the typical student/new-postgraduate age who have an interest in films and a spare few pounds to spend on a magazine. I would suggest the gender of the audience would be male, as typically males visit the cinema more/prefer films, they also buy more comic books than females do and this specific film is based upon a comic book. The Joker himself has a lot of male followers who dress up as him for cosplay (costume roleplay) events such as 'Comic con' and 'Expo', also suggesting the target audience to be predominantly male.

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