Tuesday 13 November 2012

Research and Planning - Group Meeting

I apologise for the cheesey imagery above however it is very fitting !! Today I had a brief meeting with my media partner, discussing how I'd like him to draft/create some of his own ideas for a Production Company or Distribution Company logo as he doesn't particularly like my ideas. I tried to suggest the colour scheme for the Production Company logo should be black/dark grey, red and white/light grey, as they are typical horror colours, my partner agreed to a certain extent however objected to the use of stereotypical blood/bright/deep rich reds as he doesn't like those colours. The only problem is, the shades of red he doesn't like are the shades which are most typical of the horror genre and are depicted in horror film posters and horror related logos. Darker reds might end up looking brown in certain lights and brown is not particularly a colour directly associated with the horror genre. I can't help but feel we should fit the colours to the genre rather than our own personal colour preferences, however if he can come up with an idea that looks good and fits the genre whilst avoiding the colours he doesn't like then I will have no objections to using that idea. I suggested not using red at all on the Distribution Company logo because most logos seem to be white and black for distribution companies because it gives them a more professional look and they dont have to be directly related to the genre they are distributing unlike Production Company logos which fit much more with the style and genre they are creating.

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